
Burma, Monks,Demonstrations, Violence, Murder... Where's the outrage and responce?!

During these last few days the problems in Burma have really come to light for the whole world to see- again. The military government there has crossed the line with the recent massacre's and crackdowns on their citizens. Murdering, violence, arrests, human abuses, etc have escalated beyond anything that should be allowed or tolerated by other nations. We cannot ignore that the Burmese government has committed unforgivable atrocities and human abuses. Yes, many in our country and abroad have "taken the time" to give public comments to the world via media outlets, but that's not action. It's high-time that someone, anyone do something about this. We as a world are just standing on the sidewalk of life while watching as many thousands of others are being run over and killed in the street. Where do we draw the line? When is enough, enough? I am thinking a frightening thought- what if they had oil we needed? I think we would, then, have an excuse to go in and depose the leaders who are ordering these killings and crackdowns. Funny thought, really, that this may really come down to, "What do they have that we need?". If the Burmese had some kind of resource that First World countries needed or relied upon I think that we would be more prone to act on this. Another great example is North Korea. People are getting killed for the most ridiculous reasons, they are imprisoned for looking at the wrong person the wrong way, the masses are starving and have nobody to speak for them, but we just sit around and do nothing. Why? Well, what does North Korea have that we need? Nothing. So, let's just ignore them. Darfur and other atrocities caused by rebels and decades of inter-cultural/inter-tribal warfare. We have yet to intervene and quell the fighting with a mass immobilisation of troops to actively pursue the murderers. Iraq. They have oil. So, we go in to remove a dictator that can't begin to come close to the other leaders of the aforementioned atrocities, but Iraq does have oil. Interesting. Some of you will disagree with me on everything. Some will at least think about what I am saying. Still others will see the truth in what my thoughts are.

Good reading: Free Burma

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