
Cities of the Underworld

Okay, so- one of my favourite TV shows at present is Cities of the Underworld. The show, in short, is about literally just that- cities (or ruins) that are below ground that the every day person has no clue are there beneath their feet. The show started off on the right foot. It had great content, great locales, and an awesome host in Eric Geller. Eric was enthusiastic, exciting to listen to and watch, and had something about him that just fit the show and the crowd that watched it, at least I thought... Well, apparently, the History Channel higher-ups did not care for the host that at least 85% of the viewers liked and came back watching week after week. They decided to bring in "new talent" in Don Wildman. Yes, that's right- they brought in the Head and Shoulders guy to replace the incredible Eric Geller.

Sure, Eric sometimes became a wee bit loud and maybe even a bit forced in his words or acting, but I can't say that I would not act in the same manner! I am so captivated by history, other cultures, and the unknown that I, too, sometimes become over zealous.

I am not saying that I don't like Don Wildman, I am just saying that I don't think he is right for the part and that the History Channel could do well with leaving the programming alone for once. Or, at least listen to the majority of the people that post on their forums. I believe that forums are a great place for the decision makers (or at least information compilers) to gather a wealth of information. The people that post on forums are the ones that really keep the shows going and the opinions of the majority in a forum nine times out of ten represent 90-95% of the opinions of the viewing audience. I'm sure that any of you that are reading this and post on forums would agree. An entity, whether it be a TV station or any other company, should listen to the forums and model programming or products after what is wanted from the people in the forums. If this is done, I would be willing to bet the product or program would be successful.


Unknown said...

Don Wildman was the original host and Eric Geller took over Cities of the Underworld

Deodra said...


I am afraid you are mistaken. Don Wildman took over during season 01 episode 09 - 13. Eric did episode 14 as his last episode. Thanks for ready, though!