
Growing up in a town named after the big jolly guy...

Well, I was sitting on facebook earlier going through some profiles when I noticed that some of my friends from the town I grew up in created a group that I would have loved to have had when I was a kid. The group is called Yes, I actually live in a town named after a fictional character... and cracks me up. When I was a kid my friends and I that lived in the Village (Christmas Lake Village) were teased just about every time we left our general area and someone asked us where we were from. I hated people asking me this as I knew that I was going to have to put up with jokes and laughter. On occasion, I had to sit and explain to people that I was not kidding. I grew to hate the questions- I would avoid them at all cost. Sure, some of my best years were spent in Santa Claus, but I still hate the teasing and explaining that goes along with being from there. It's just a city name for crying out loud! Sorry- had to vent for a second. In all honesty, it was and is probably the best place to raise your kids. The city is gated, VERY low crime rate (if any at all), and it is one of the few places where you can feel safe leaving your doors unlocked. Kids can even ride their bikes around without parents having to worry about them...

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